Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to Reply with inline comments with Different Colors in Microsoft Outlook 2007

If you're one of those who add inline comments by adding your name in replies then this page is "must read" for you.

People very frequently reply to emails with their comments , reviews and sometimes over generous view :) in the emails. To make it easier we do inline commenting. Usually people have to
  1. Choose a color/font
  2. Click on the message body
  3. start braces + Write their name + Close braces
  4. Write the comment
  5. And repeat these 4 and 5 again n again for all the replies
To do this more efficiently you can enable inline comments feature of MS Outlook (which comes with auto coloring which many don't know).

Lets see how to do this:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. On the Preferences tab, click E-mail Options.
  3. Select the Mark my comments with check box, and then type the text that you want to use to identify your comments. This text appears in brackets when you reply to a message by using inline comments.

To Enable Auto Color feature:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Mail Format.
  2. Click on Stationary and Fonts
  3. Click on pick a new color on replies and hit OK!
And you're done !

Simple isn't it?